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´ëÇѾȰúÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 60±Ç 3È£ p.246 ~ 252
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´ë»ó°ú ¹æ¹ý: 2016³â 6¿ùºÎÅÍ 2017³â 5¿ù±îÁö °ø¸·Åͳΰú °í¶ûÀ» ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ º¯ÇüµÈ Àΰø¼öÁ¤Ã¼°ø¸·°íÁ¤¼úÀ» ½ÃÇàÇÑ 34¸í 34¾ÈÀ» ´ë»óÀ¸·Î ÈÄÇâÀû ¿¬±¸¸¦ ÁøÇàÇÏ¿´´Ù. ¼ö¼ú Àü, ¼ö¼ú ÈÄ 1ÁÖ, 1°³¿ù, 3°³¿ù ¹× 6°³¿ù° °æ°ú °üÂûÇÏ¿´À¸¸ç ÃÖ´ë±³Á¤½Ã·Â, ¾È¾Ð, °¢¸·³»ÇǼ¼Æ÷¹Ðµµ, ±¸¸é·»Áî ´ëÀÀÄ¡ ¹× ¼ö¼ú ÈÄ ÇÕº´ÁõÀ» ºÐ¼®ÇÏ¿´´Ù.

°á°ú: ȯÀÚÀÇ ÃÖ´ë±³Á¤½Ã·Â(logMAR)Àº ¼ú Àü 0.85 ¡¾ 0.83, ¼ú ÈÄ 6°³¿ù 0.38 ¡¾ 0.61·Î À¯ÀÇÇÏ°Ô È£ÀüµÇ¾ú°í(p=0.001), °¢¸·³»ÇǼ¼Æ÷¹Ðµµ(/mm2)´Â ¼ú Àü 1,955.12 ¡¾ 217.64, ¼ú ÈÄ 1,852.59 ¡¾ 19.78·Î À¯ÀÇÇÑ Â÷À̸¦ º¸ÀÌÁö ¾Ê¾Ò´Ù(p=0.186). ¼ú ÈÄ ÇÕº´ÁõÀ¸·Î´Â ¾È¾Ð»ó½ÂÀÌ 1¾È(2.9%), Àΰø¼öÁ¤Ã¼ ±â¿ï¾îÁü ȤÀº ÀÌÅ»ÀÌ 2¾È(5.7%), ±¤ÇкΠµ¿°øÆ÷ȹÀÌ 4¾È(11.4%), ³¶Æ÷Ȳ¹ÝºÎÁ¾ÀÌ 1¾È(2.9%), ÃÑ 8¾È(23.5%)¿¡¼­ ¹ß»ýÇÏ¿´´Ù. ±¸¸é·»Áî ´ëÀÀÄ¡´Â ¼ú ÈÄ ±Ù½Ã°ªÀ» º¸¿´°í, ½Ã°£ÀÌ Áö³¯¼ö·Ï Åë°èÇÐÀûÀ¸·Î À¯ÀÇÇÏ°Ô Á¤½Ã¿¡ °¡±õ°Ô °¨¼ÒÇÏ´Â ¼Ò°ßÀ» º¸¿´´Ù(p=0.001).

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Purpose: We evaluated the short-term clinical outcomes of patients who underwent modified scleral fixation of an intraocular lens (IOL) using a scleral tunnel and groove.

Methods: From June 2016 to May 2017, 34 eyes of 34 patients who underwent modified scleral fixation of an IOL using a scleral tunnel and groove were retrospectively studied. We evaluated the best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), corneal endothelial cell density, intraocular pressure (IOP), spherical equivalent, and postoperative complications at 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months after surgery.

Results: The BCVA was 0.85 ¡¾ 0.83 logarithm of the minimal angle of resolution (logMAR) before surgery and 0.38 ¡¾ 0.61 logMAR at 6 months (p = 0.001). The corneal endothelial cell count was 1,955.12 ¡¾ 217/mm2 and 1,852.59 ¡¾ 190/mm2, before and after surgery, respectively, which was not significantly different (p = 0.186). Postoperative complications occurred in eight eyes (23.5%); IOP elevation in one eye (2.9%), IOL tilt or decentration in two eyes (5.7%), optic capture in four eyes (11.4%), and cystic macular edema in one eye (2.9%). The spherical equivalent showed myopic changes after surgery and decreased significantly over time (p = 0.001).

Conclusions: Modified scleral fixation of the IOL using a scleral tunnel and groove improved the BCVA, but did not significantly affect corneal endothelial cell loss. This procedure can be a good alternative to conventional scleral fixation of an IOL, which has advantages in shortened surgical time and easy surgical manipulation.


Intraocular lens; Scleral fixation; Scleral tunnel and groove

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