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´ëÇѾȰúÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 60±Ç 4È£ p.393 ~ 398
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Purpose: To report a case of a cyclodialysis cleft that was successfully managed with gonioscopically guided transscleral cyclopexy using partial-thickness scleral flap.

Case summary: A 44-year-old man complaining of blurred vision in the left eye after blunt trauma was referred to our hospital. The intraocular pressure (IOP) was 4 mmHg and the visual acuity was counting finger. Gonioscopy examination revealed cyclodialysis cleft from 3 to 6 o¡¯clock and fundus examination revealed macular folds. After the failure of conservative medical therapy and laser photocoagulation, gonioscopically guided transscleral cyclopexy using partial-thickness scleral flap was performed. Four months later, the IOP was 18 mmHg, the visual acuity was 0.8, and fundus examination showed the disappearance of the macular folds.

Conclusions: Transscleral cyclopexy using partial-thickness scleral flap is a safe and effective method to treat hypotony maculopathy due to cyclodialysis and to minimize pupil distortion.


Cyclodialysis; Cyclopexy; Gonioscopy; Hypotonic maculopathy; Traumatic hypotony

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