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´«²¨Ç®¿¡ ¹ß»ýÇÑ ÇǺΰñÁ¾ Osteoma Cutis on Eyelid

´ëÇѾȰúÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 60±Ç 12È£ p.1290 ~ 1294
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Purpose: To present the first report describing lesions of osteoma cutis on the upper eyelid and medial canthus.

Case summary: A 4-year-old female complained of a right upper eyelid mass. The examination showed a well-delineated, mild bluish-colored, hard mass over the upper eyelid and the medial canthus measuring 10 ¡¿ 10 mm and 2 ¡¿ 2 mm. During the cutaneous examination, her forearm, left shin, right dorsum of the foot, neck, and abdominal wall also showed well-delineated, mild bluish-colored, immobile hard masses, similar to the upper eyelid mass. A right upper eyelid and medial canthus mass excision was performed and a biopsy specimen was collected. Hematoxyline and eosin staining showed a mature bone in the dermis with spicules of bone and osteoblasts. She was finally diagnosed with osteoma cutis on the upper eyelid and the medial canthus.

Conclusions: Osteoma cutis is a rare, benign skin disorder characterized by bone formation in the skin. Albright hereditary osteodystrophy, which causes a metabolic disorder, should also be considered to prevent complications.


Eyelid tumor; Osseous heteroplasia and progressive; Osteoma cutis

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