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Ç×¾Ï Ä¡·á ÈÄ ¹ß»ýÇÑ ºóÇ÷¸Á¸·º´Áõ Anemic Retinopathy after Chemotherapy

´ëÇѾȰúÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 60±Ç 12È£ p.1352 ~ 1355
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Purpose: To report a case of anemic retinopathy after chemotherapy.

Case summary: A 32-year-old male presented with visual disturbance in both eyes. He had been diagnosed with testicular cancer and had undergone right orchiectomy 4 months prior. He completed adjuvant chemotherapy 2 weeks before presentation.
His best-corrected visual acuities were 20/35 in both eyes. Fundus examination revealed multiple flame-shaped hemorrhages around the posterior pole, and boat-shaped hemorrhages on the macula in both eyes. Laboratory results showed that he had reduced hemoglobin (5.5 g/dL) and platelet counts (77,000/¥ìL). After transfusion, visual acuities were improved and retinal hemorrhages were resolved along with normalization of the hematological conditions.

Conclusions: Many ocular and medical conditions can cause bilateral retinal hemorrhages. This case emphasizes that comprehensive history evaluation, systemic evaluation, and laboratory findings, as well as a detailed fundus examination, are important in the diagnosis of patients with bilateral retinal hemorrhages.


Anemia; Retinal hemorrhage; Thrombocytopenia

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