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´ëÇѾȰúÇÐȸÁö 2020³â 61±Ç 5È£ p.532 ~ 537
°­¹Î±¸, ¼­Àç½Å, ÀÌÀ±°ï, Ȳ¿µÈÆ,
¼Ò¼Ó »ó¼¼Á¤º¸
°­¹Î±¸ ( Kang Min-Gu ) 
Konyang University College of Medicine Kim¡¯s Eye Hospital Myung-Gok Eye Research Institute

¼­Àç½Å ( Suh Jae-Shin ) 
Konyang University College of Medicine Kim¡¯s Eye Hospital Myung-Gok Eye Research Institute
ÀÌÀ±°ï ( Lee Youn-Gon ) 
Konyang University College of Medicine Kim¡¯s Eye Hospital Myung-Gok Eye Research Institute
Ȳ¿µÈÆ ( Hwang Young-Hoon ) 
Konyang University College of Medicine Kim¡¯s Eye Hospital Myung-Gok Eye Research Institute


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´ë»ó°ú ¹æ¹ý: µÎ Á¾·ùÀÇ ½É³¶¸· À̽ÄÀç(Tutoplast pericardium, IOP Inc., Costa Mesa, CA, USA) ¹× Pericardium LYO, DCI Donor Services, Inc, Nashville, TN, USA)ÀÇ Ç¥º»À» °¢°¢ 7°³¾¿ ÁغñÇÏ¿© Àü¾ÈºÎ ºû°£¼·´ÜÃþÃÔ¿µ°è(CASIA2, Tomey Corporation, Nagoya, Japan)¸¦ ÀÌ¿ëÇÏ¿© µÎ²²¸¦ ÃøÁ¤ÇÏ¿´´Ù. ÃøÁ¤ À§Ä¡´Â Ç¥º»ÀÇ Á߽ɰú Áß½ÉÀ¸·ÎºÎÅÍ ¹ÝÁö¸§ 2 mmÀÎ ¿øÀ» ±âÁØÀ¸·Î 45¡Æ °£°Ý 8ÁöÁ¡ÀÌ°í, °¢ ÁöÁ¡ÀÇ µÎ²²´Â Àü¾ÈºÎ ºû°£¼·´ÜÃþÃÔ¿µ°è¿¡ ³»ÀåµÈ µÎ²² ÃøÁ¤ µµ±¸¸¦ ÀÌ¿ëÇÏ¿© ÃøÁ¤ÇÏ¿´´Ù.

°á°ú: Tutoplast pericardiumÀÇ µÎ²²´Â ÁßÀ§°ª 217 ¥ìm, Pericardium LYOÀÇ µÎ²²´Â ÁßÀ§°ª 154 ¥ìm¿´´Ù. µÎ ±ºÀÇ µÎ²²¸¦ ºñ±³ÇßÀ»¶§ Tutoplast pericardiumÀÌ Pericardium LYOº¸´Ù À¯ÀÇÇÏ°Ô ´õ µÎ²¨¿ü°í(p=0.001), °¢ Ç¥º» ³»ÀÇ ÃøÁ¤Ä¡ »çºÐÀ§¼ö ¹üÀ§¸¦ ºñ±³ÇßÀ»¶§ Pericardium LYO°¡ Tutoplast pericardiumº¸´Ù ´õ ÄÇ´Ù(p=0.017).

°á·Ð: Tutoplast pericardiumÀÌ Pericardium LYOº¸´Ù µÎ²²°¡ ´õ µÎ²®°í ±ÕÀÏÇÑ µÎ²²¸¦ º¸¿´´Ù. ¹æ¼öÀ¯ÃâÀåÄ¡»ðÀÔ¼ú Áß ½É³¶¸· À̽ÄÀ縦 ÀÌ¿ëÇÒ °æ¿ì, ÀÌ·¯ÇÑ Æ¯¼ºÀ» °í·ÁÇÏ´Â °ÍÀÌ µµ¿òÀÌ µÉ °ÍÀ¸·Î »ý°¢ÇÑ´Ù.

Purpose: To compare the thickness of the processed pericardial patch graft for glaucoma implant tube coverage using anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT).

Methods: Thicknesses of seven samples of two pericardial patch grafts (Tutoplast pericardium, IOP Inc, Costa Mesa, CA, USA; pericardium LYO, DCI Donor Services, Inc., Nashville, TN, USA) were measured using AS-OCT (CASIA2, Tomey Corporation, Nagoya, Japan). The thickness of each sample was measured at the center and eight points with 45-degree angular distance, 2 mm from the center. The thickness was measured using AS-OCT program tools.

Results: The median thicknesses were 219 ¥ìm for Tutoplast pericardium and 157 ¥ìm for pericardium LYO. Tutoplast pericardium was significantly thicker than pericardium LYO (p = 0.001); pericardium LYO had a wider interquartile range within each sample, compared to Tutoplast pericardium (p = 0.017).

Conclusions: The thickness of the Tutoplast pericardium was greater and less variable than that of the pericardium LYO. These findings should be considered when choosing processed pericardium for coverage of glaucoma implants.


Anterior segment optical coherence tomography; Glaucoma implant; Tube erosion; Pericardium patch graft

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