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´ëÇѾȰúÇÐȸÁö 2020³â 61±Ç 6È£ p.680 ~ 684
¹Ú¼¼¿µ, °ûÁÖ¿µ, ÃÖÁø¼®, ¹Ú±ÔÈ«, Á¤¼º±Ù, ÇöÁÖ,
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¹Ú¼¼¿µ ( Park Se-Young ) 
Saevit Eye Hospital

°ûÁÖ¿µ ( Kwag Joo-Young ) 
Saevit Eye Hospital
ÃÖÁø¼® ( Choi Jin-Seok ) 
Saevit Eye Hospital
¹Ú±ÔÈ« ( Pak Kyu-Hong ) 
Saevit Eye Hospital
Á¤¼º±Ù ( Chung Sung-Kun ) 
Saevit Eye Hospital
ÇöÁÖ ( Hyun Joo ) 
Saevit Eye Hospital


Purpose: To report a case of central toxic keratopathy after femtosecond laser in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK).

Case summary: A 26-year-old male developed diffuse lamellar keratitis bilaterally on day 2 after femtosecond LASIK. He was applying topical steroid frequently, while also using topical antibiotics. On day 6 after LASIK, slit-lamp biomicroscopy showed a thick central corneal opacity on the right eye so a flap irrigation was performed. He was then treated with systemic methylprednisolone. A corneal epithelial crack and stromal striae were noted by slit-lamp biomicroscopy on postoperative day 10. Four weeks after LASIK, the refractive error was +4.25 Dsph = -1.25 Dcyl Axis 80¡Æ. He was treated with topical steroid, topical antibiotics, and oral doxycycline until eight weeks after LASIK. Eight weeks after LASIK, the patient was observed without treatment. The central corneal thickness recovered from 488 ¥ìm at eight weeks to 540 ¥ìm, and the refractive error was +1.25 Dsph = -0.75 Dcyl Axis 85¡Æ at postoperative 72 weeks. The central corneal opacity also recovered.

Conclusions: Because femtosecond LASIK may result in a combination of diffuse lamellar keratitis and central toxic keratopathy, the clinical characteristics and natural course of both diseases should be understood and timely treatment should be available.


Central toxic keratopathy; Diffuse lamellar keratitis; Laser in situ keratomileusis

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