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´ëÇѾȰúÇÐȸÁö 2020³â 61±Ç 12È£ p.1532 ~ 1537
¿À½ÃÀº, ÇϹÎÁö, Ȳ¿õÁÖ, º¯¿ë¼ö, ȲÇüºó, ³ª°æ¼±, ³ëâ·¡, ÀÌÇö¼ö, Á¤¼ÒÇâ, ±èÀºÃ¶, Á¶¾ç°æ, ±èÇö½Â, ±è¸¸¼ö, Ȳȣ½Ä,
¼Ò¼Ó »ó¼¼Á¤º¸
¿À½ÃÀº ( Oh Si-Eun ) 
Catholic University College of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology

ÇϹÎÁö ( Ha Min-Ji ) 
Catholic University College of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology
Ȳ¿õÁÖ ( Whang Woong-Joo ) 
Catholic University College of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology
º¯¿ë¼ö ( Byun Yong-Soo ) 
Catholic University College of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology
ȲÇüºó ( Hwang Hyung-Bin ) 
Catholic University College of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology
³ª°æ¼± ( Na Kyung-Sun ) 
Catholic University College of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology
³ëâ·¡ ( Rho Chang-Rae ) 
Catholic University College of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science
ÀÌÇö¼ö ( Lee Hyun-Soo ) 
Catholic University College of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology
Á¤¼ÒÇâ ( Chung So-Hyang ) 
Catholic University School of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science
±èÀºÃ¶ ( Kim Eun-Chul ) 
Catholic University College of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology
Á¶¾ç°æ ( Cho Yang-Kyung ) 
Catholic University College of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology
±èÇö½Â ( Kim Hyun-Seung ) 
Catholic University School of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science
±è¸¸¼ö ( Kim Man-Soo ) 
Catholic University School of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology
Ȳȣ½Ä ( Hwang Ho-Sik ) 
Catholic University College of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology


¸ñÀû: µ¥½º¸Þ¸·¹Ú¸® °¢¸·³»ÇÇÃþÆÇÀ̽ļú(Descemet stripping endothelial keratoplasty, DSEK) ÈÄ À̽ÄÆí ½ÇÆа¡ ¿Â ȯÀÚ¿¡ 2Â÷Àû µ¥½º¸Þ¸·³»ÇÇ°¢¸·À̽Ä(Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty, DMEK)À» ¼º°øÀûÀ¸·Î ½ÃÇàÇÏ¿© À̸¦ º¸°íÇÏ°íÀÚ ÇÑ´Ù.
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Purpose: We report a case of secondary Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) to treat graft failure after Descemet stripping endothelial keratoplasty (DSEK).

Case summary: A 66-year-old female underwent DSEK of her right eye to treat pseudophakic bullous keratopathy that developed after cataract surgery and intraocular lens exchange. After 5 years, she complained of decreased vision; graft failure was observed. Secondary DMEK was performed; no additional air injection was needed. The corrected visual acuity was 0.2, 3 months after surgery, and the cornea became clear.

Conclusions: Visual recovery can be achieved by performing secondary DMEK after primary DSEK graft failure.


Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty; Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty

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