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¾Ç¼º Áß¾Ó¼± ¼¼¸ÁÁõÀÇ ¹æ»ç¼± Ä¡·á The Radiotherapy of Midlin Malignant Reticulosis

´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 1981³â 13±Ç 1È£ p.13 ~ 18
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±è±Í¾ð/Kim GE È«Àμö/À̵µÇà/¹ÚâÀ±/Hong IS/Lee DH/Park CY


Midline Malignant Reticulosis (MMR) is a malignant neoplasm of the lymphoreticular -cells which is a rare disease of unknown etiology that is characterized by extensive lissue destruction of the upper respiratory tract. However, recently some investigators postulated the possibility of hyperimmune reaction to unknown antigen. The diagnosis of MMR is estabilished by the histological examination and can be differentiated from malignant lymphoma or Wegeners granulomatosis by the presence of abnormal inflammatory cell infiltration and polymorphism of individual cells. In regard to treatment, long-term massive administration of corticosteroid, chemothe- rapy and local irradiation have shown favorable clinical responses as reported by several authors. However presently the definite effects of radiotherapy among MMR patients have not been followed up sufficiently in this countrp. This clinical study illustrates the clinical behavior, radiotherapy response and the 2 year survival rate among the 26 MMR patients at the Yonsei Cancer Center for radiothepapy between 1974 and 1979. The results are described as follow Clinical behavior; .a. Both sexes are nearly equally involved. b. The mostly frequently affected site in most cases is the upper airway tract. c. The radiologic findings of PNS series are nonspecific, d. The involved sites of dissemination are bronchi, liver, stomach, pancrea, prostate and scrotum, etc. e. Other associated malignancy involves Ca. Of cervix, colon Ca., gastric Ca. md probable pancreatic Ca.2, Radiotherapeutic response; a. Radiation achives the good therapeutic modality for local control due to rapid b. Improved survival rate is not expicted with radiation dose of 5000 rads, but. the good local control can be expected at these level of dose. 3. Survival rate; a. The 2 year survival rate percentage according to clinical stage classification by Stewart illustrates 30.3% (the prodromal phase), 26.8% (the active phase), 0% (the terminal phase). b. The overall 2 ear crude survival rate is about 35. 4%. c. The overall 2 year survival rate with positive regional lymph node is about 17. 3%, and that rate with negative regional lymph node is about 46.8%. d. Our results further illustrates that the combined chemotherapy with radiotherapy may not improve the overa11 2 yar survival rate.


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