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ÈĵξÏÀÇ ¹æ»ç¼± Ä¡·á Radiation Therapy of Laryngeal Cancer

´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 1982³â 14±Ç 1È£ p.3 ~ 11
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±è»óÁø/Kim SJ ¼­Ã¢¿Á/±è±Í¾ð/¹ÚâÀ±/Suh CO/Kim GE/Park CY


77 cases of laryngeal cancer receiving radiation therapy from 1970 to 1975 at Yonsei Cancer Center were followed up and reviewed in respect of clinicopathologic statuc, method of radaitian therapy, 5 year survival rate after radiation therapy, causes of treatment failure and complication after radiation theraphy. The results are as follows; The peak age incidence was 6th decade (44.1%), and the male vs. female ratio was 7 5:1. The glottic lesion was most comman (37.7%), and the transglottic type was the next (33.8%) The neck node involvement was most common in the transglottic type (80.8%). 3. The overall 5-year survival rate radiotherapy was 65.5%, and according to the location, 80.2% in the glottic type, 49.9% in the transglottic type, and 48.9% in the transglottle type, and 48.9% in the supraglottic type. Compared to the 66.8% of 5-year survival rate after combined radiotherapy and surgery, 58.8% resulted after irradiation alone. 4. The most comon cause of treatment failure was massive disease (36%). 5. The common complication of radiotherapy was xerostomia and loss of taste.


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