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±Þ¼º°ñ¼ö¼º¹éÇ÷º´ÀÇ ±Þ¼ºÀüÈ­ Clinical Observation of Acute Transformation in Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia

´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 1982³â 14±Ç 1È£ p.31 ~ 38
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Çã´ë¼®/Heo DS ±è·Î°æ/ÇãÀθñ/À̹®È£/Kim NK/Heu IM/Lee MH


44 patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia in terminal pha e(accelerated phase & blast crisis) were evaluated in their clinical characteristics and response to treatment. Their median survival time was 31 months from diagnosis and 2 months from blast crisis. Median duration from diagnosis to accelerated phase was 23 months, 3 months from accelerated phase to blast crisis. Of 23 expired patient, seven patients (30%) progressed to blast crisis without acce- .lerated phase and another seven patients (30%) died in accelerated phase without progrescion to blast crisis. Their clinical characteristics are as follows: fever (64%), inexplicable malaise (83%), .anemia (94%,), leukocytosis (55%) and thrombocytopenia (69%). But no significant difference was obser.ved between accelerated phase and blast crisis. Eight patient in accelerated phase were treated with hydroxyurea. Of the 8 patients, one patient showed complete remission and partial remission obtained in 5 patients. hledian duration of accelerated phase in hydroxyurea-treated group(7 months) was longer than tbat of untreated group (2 months) (p<0.05). Fourteen patients in blast crisis were treated with Vincristine and Prednisone, of which four patients showed complete remission and partial remission obtained in 5 patients. Median survival of non-responders was 1 month which showed no difference from that of the untreated group. Of the four patients who showed response, two died in B months, one in 8 months and another one is still alive for 7 months.


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