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°¨°¢½Å°æ¾Æ¼¼Æ÷Á¾ Olfactory esthesioneuroblastoma - A report of 3 cases treated with irradiation

´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 1983³â 15±Ç 1È£ p.28 ~ 36
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±è±Í¾ð/Kim GE ¼­Ã¢¿Á/±è»óÁø/¹ÚâÀ±/±èº´¼ö/È«¿øÇ¥/Suh CO/Kim SJ/Park CY/Kim BS/Hong WP


Esthesioneuroblastoma is an uncommon malignant tumor of olfactory neuroepithelial origin, which tends toward local recurrence rather than hematogeneous metastasia, although the latter occur in advanced cases. Clinically these do not differ from others malignant tumors of the same site, so that diagnosis has to be based upon the histologic appearance. In the light microscopy, the presence of neurofibrils is the most important differential diagnostic factor against other small-cell malignant tumors in this region. These tumors have been treated by radiotherapy, surgery or a combination of these moda- lities, but combined irradiation and surgical excision may be considered the best treatment. The literatures were reviewed and the recent 3 cases of esthesioneuroblastoma treated by irradiation in Yonsei Cancer Center were presented.


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