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â¢âúñé Û¯ÞÒàÊ ö½ÖûÛö Intraoperative Radiaton Therapy(IORT)

´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 1986³â 18±Ç 1È£ p.49 ~ 58
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ÒÆñÕФ/Loh, J.K. õÕàõãù/ÑÑÏþåé/ßïóãè¬/ÑÑܹâª/çïýéÐÆ/ÚÓëÈÍÞ/Chu, Sung Sil/Kim, Gwi Eeon/Suh, Chang Ok/Kim, Byung Soo/Oh, Hung Kun/Park, Wyun Kon


Intraoperative Radiation Therapy(IORT) is a cancer treatment modality in which resectable masses or organs are removed surgically and residual cancer cells are sterilized by irradiation with a single massive dose during operation while patient is still anesthesized.
Because it is possible that the tumor mass can be visualized directly at the time of surgical exploration, tumor volume can be determined more precisely and at the same time sensitive adjacent structures can be pulled aside from the irradiation. With these theoretical advantages as compare to conventional external irradiation, IORT can improve the therapeutic ratio of tumor control to normal tissue injury.
Yonsei Cancer Center initiated a pilot study of multidisciplinary IORT program in February of 1986 for the first attempt in Korea.
IORT was performed in 7 patients with stomach cancer by using existing NEC 18 MeV Linear Accelerator treatment room as a surgical suite.
IORT team included department of surgery, department of anesthesiology, department of clinical pathology, operating room nursing personnel and department of radiation oncology.
Although duration of follow up is too short to lead conclusion, our preliminary clinical experience of IORT for stomach cancer is presented along with it¢¥s historical review, general rationale, equipments, techniques and practical problems encountered.


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