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¿©¼º À¯¹æÀÇ Áö¹æÀ°Á¾ Liposarcoma of the Female Breast

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Liposarcoma, a malignant lesion of adipose tissue, may occur wherever fat is present but most of them are developed in lower extremity and retroperitoneum.
However, liposarcoma of the mammary gland is extremely rare and only scattered cases were reported until now throughout the world.
Various etiologic factors such as repeated stimulation of certain chemical agent and repeated extrinsic trauma have been considered but all of them are not definite.
Differential diagnosis with variety of benign tumor and confirmation of the status of cell differentiation are important in making the plan of the treatment.
Surgical management of the liposarcoma of the breast is nearly the same as other breast cancer but every surgeon should do more aggresive operation eventhough he meet tumors with pseudoencapsulation because inadequate resection of such case usually accompanied recurrence at surrounding soft tissues.
Radiation therapy gives an excellent result especially in embryonal myxoliposarcoma. One case of liposarcoma that was developed at left breast of 73 year old korean female was treated by authors so reported the case and reviewed literatures.


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