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ÀÎü À¯¾ÏÁ¶Á÷¿¡¼­ DNA Ploidy, S-phase Activity¿Í c-erbB-2 À¯ÀüÀÚ ´Ü¹é¹ßÇöÀÌ ¿¹ÈÄ¿¡ ¹ÌÄ¡´Â ¿µÇâ DNA Ploidy, S-phase Activity and c-er-bB-2 Oncogene Protein Expression in Breast Cancer and its Relationship to Prognosis

´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 1992³â 24±Ç 1È£ p.73 ~ 81
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In breast carcinomas, identification of poor prognostic factors is utmost important not only because these factors play key roles in deciding adjuvant therapy but also certain factors are thought t discriminate high risk group in the same stage.
Axillary lymph node status is the single most important prognostic fator for patients with breast cancer. Nevertheless 25 to 30% of node negative patients do recur and die from their disease within 10 years. Tumor size or hormone receptor status
play risk factor and the latter is important to decide hormonal treatment.
The technique o flow cytometry offers offers a possibility to examine the DNA content and cell cycle, the measurement of DNA ploidy and S-phase fraction in breast carcinoma has been tried in many institutes. The development of molecular biology
insight into oncogene and soma reported overexpression of erbB-2 oncogene in breast carcinomas.
So, in this study though enough cases, we tried to identify the risk factors in the breast carcinomas whether these factors can tell the risk, Using paraffin-embedded tumor blocks of 86 breast carcinomas, DNA plody and S-phase fraction were
measured by
flow cytometric analysis and erbB2 oncogene protein expression was detected by immunocytochemical method. There were 69% of lees than age 50a nd 49% of them were aneuploid and 31% of these patients were over 50 and 37% of them were aneuploid.
have more aneuploidy in less than age 50 group but there is no statistical significance. The tumor size was mostly less than 5cm and in the patients over than 5cm group there were 83% of aneuploidy with statistical significance.
But there were no difference of ploidy according to node status or tumor grade. There wee significantly larger number of aneuploidy in erbB-2 negative group when compared to erbB-2 positive group. We had median value of S-phase at 20% and when we
evaluate the correlation between Sphase and other prognostic variables there were significantly large number of higher S-phase in the tumor size over than 4mc, but the other factors didn't have any significant relation with S-phase. ErbB-2
significantly related with ploidy but there were no significant relation between other prognostic factors can be summarized as lymph node status plays the most independent prognostic factor. ErbB-2 oncogene expression possibly plays as a
prognostic factor and more prognostic factor and more prognostic of combined with node status in the relatively early stage breast carcinomas. Though not conclusive, we can suggest that DNA and S-phase fraction as well as erbB-2 oncogene
would be expected to play certain role to prognosticate breast carcinomas.


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