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À§¾Ï ¹× ÀÎÁ¢ Á¡¸·ÀÇ DNA Ploidy ÇüÅ DNA Ploidy of Gastric Cancer and it's Adjacent Mucosa

´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 1992³â 24±Ç 2È£ p.227 ~ 232
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Gastric tumors with a narrow DNA dispersion are related to a low malignant postential, whereas those with widely scattered DNA dispersion are linked to a high malignancyE16). The authors measured the nuclear DNA content and carried out analysis
ploidy in gastric cancer cells and normal adjacent mucosal cells using fresh specimens from tissues obtained in resected 25 gastric cancers by means of DNA flow cytometer.
The results showed that 9 cases(36%) were diploid(type I), 5 cases(20%) were tetraploid(type II), 8 cases(32%) were aneuploid9type III), and 3 cases(12%) were multiploid(type IV). The mean value of the S-phase cells were 19.1%.
The nuclear patterns had correlation with the depth of tumor invasion, but the DNA patterns had no significant correlation to location, size and histologic type tumor, Type III and IV were frequently found in distant metastasis and type I and II
frequently found in cases without lymph node metastasis.
We found one case with type II ploid pattern form the normally appearing mucosa adjacent to the type II gastric cancer.
The results of this study show that flow cytometric measurement of nuclear DNA is considered one method of determining the biological activity of gastric cancer cell. DNA ploidy of tumor cells provides a reliable indicator of prognosis for
gastric carcinoma. Abnormal ploidy pattenrn of adjacent mucosa suggest the carcinogenic promotional events are widespread in the gastric mucosa n certain cases.


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