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´ëÀå¾Ï¿¡¼­ ¹ß°ßµÈ ¿°»öüÀÌ»ó°ú ¾ÏÀ¯ÀüÀÚÀÇ ¹ßÇö Chromosomal Abnormalities Found in the Largfe Bowel Cancer and Oncogene Expression

´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 1993³â 25±Ç 2È£ p.182 ~ 195
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To investigate common specific chromosome abnormalities and related oncogene in large bowel cancer four primary large bowel cancer and cell line(CoLo 320 DM) were cultured and karyotyped with G-banding. DNA in situ hybridization and Sourthern
also performed on the same materials with erbB-2 and H-ras oncogenes. Hyperdiploidy in primary cancers and tetraploid in cancer cell line were the common numerical chromosome abnormalities. The common structural abnormalities in primary cancers
translocation on chromosome 4pter and 5pter of which derivatives region were unknown and deletion on chromosomes 1p22, 3q11 and 6q32 on the other hand, t(4pter; ?) and de(3q11, 6q22) were found in cancer cell line. The genes which located in
3q11 which were common finding in primary cancers and cell line were important for futher study in oncogenesis of large bower cancer. ErbB-2 was translocated from 17q21 to 2p and 4p and, fos was translocated from 14q21 to 4q and 11q. K-ras and
H-ras was
the same bands with normal mucosa cells of large bowel. It was not directly corelated that the chromosomal regions which were translocated of erbB-2 and fos were found chromosome abnormalities by cytogenetic analysis.


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