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±Þ¼º±â ¹× °¡¼Ó±â ¸¸¼º °ñ¼ö¼º ¹éÇ÷º´¿¡¼­ MCNU ´Üµ¶¿ä¹ý ¹× º¹ÇÕÇ×¾ÏÈ­Çпä¹ýÀÇ Ä¡·áÈ¿°ú Chemotherapy Including MCNU for the Treatment of Terminal Phase Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia

´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 1993³â 25±Ç 2È£ p.247 ~ 251
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A 66% response was obtained in 30 evaluable patients in the terminal phase CML(AP:: 19, BC: 11) using MCNU single or combination chemotherapy(MCNU, Etoposide, and Hydroxyurea). 26%(5/19 cases) of responses were complete in accelerated pahse and
cases) in blastic crisis. A 47%(9/19 cases) partial response was obtained in accelerated phase and 45%(5/11 cases) in blastic phase.
Overall median survival of responder was 8 months(range: 4~11 months). Side effects were minimal and there were no treatment associated mortality and severe bone marrow failure. these results suggest that MCNU is a sate and valuable addition to
therapeutic repertoire for the control of terminal phase CML and patients getting a chance of secondary chronic phase might be indicated for allogenic allogenic bone marrow transplantation.


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