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¿ì½É¹æ¿¡ ÀüÀÌµÈ °£¼¼Æ÷¾Ï 1¿¹ A Case of Cardiac Metastasis Hepatocellular Carcinoma Through Inferior Vena Cava

´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 1993³â 25±Ç 3È£ p.445 ~ 449
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Metastatic tumors in the right atrium as a result of direct invasion via the inferior vena cava in patients of hepatoma are extreamly uncommon.
Seventy-five year old male patient suffering from hepatocelluar carcinoma who presented right atrial metastatic tumors as a result of direct invasion of the inferior vena cava and extention into the right atrium. Two-dimensional echocardiographic
studies demonstrated the right atrial tumor and the invasion of the inferior vena cava. Abdominal C-T findings showed huge infiltrating mass in right lobe of the liver, small ascites and thrombosis in right atrium, through the cardiac portion of
inferior vena cava to the hepatic portion.


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