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À½³¶ÀÇ °ú¸³»ó ¼¼Æ÷Á¾ -1¿¹ º¸°í- Granular Cell Tumor of the Scrotum -A case report-

´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 1994³â 26±Ç 1È£ p.176 ~ 178
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Granular cell tumor is a benign neoplasm of uncertain origin which may affect tongue, skin and other vairous organs. Its scrotal location has not been described in the literaute. We report a granular cell tumor occurred in the scrotum of a
man. Grossly the left scrotum showed a 5*4*2cm sized well demarcated mass. On section, there was a subcutaneous tumor, showing grayish yellow trabeculated cut surface. Histologically, the neoplasm was consisted of diffuse sheets of large round to
cells characterized by indistinct cell membranes, pale cytoplasm with eosinophilic granules, and small bland nuclei. Immunohistochemically, the cytoplasm of tumor cells are immunoreative for S-100, Electronmicroscopically, the cytoplasm of tumor
are filled with numerous electron-dense phagolysosomes.


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