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Æó¾Ï°ú º´¹ßÇÑ ´Ù¹ß¼º ¾Ç¼º Á¾¾ç Multiple Primary Cancers Associated with Lung Cancer

´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 1994³â 26±Ç 3È£ p.425 ~ 430
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We experienced 6 cases of multiple primary cancers associated with lung cancer and report these with a brief review of the literature.
During 13 years and 7 months from January 1979 to July 1993, 1312 cases of primary lung cancer were registered at the Presbyterian Medical Center. Among them, 6 cases were multiple primary cancers compatible with Warren and Gates' Criteria. We
the clinical characteristics of theses 6 cases retrospetivly of the basis of medical record.
@ES We analyse these 6 cases as below;
1) The incidence of multiple primary cancers associated with lung cancer was 0.46%.
2) male: female ratio was 5:1.
3) The average time interval between the first and the second cancer was 3.98years.
4) The involved sites were aerodigestive tract in 5 cases and endometrium in lcase.
5) Above 5 cases had heavy smoding history.
According to the analysis of our 6 multiple primary cancers associated with lung caner, there seems to be a tendency of developing secondary cancers along the aerodigestive organs which are contiguous with lung. Although we cannot find-out the
etiologic relationship, 5 cases out of 6, has a heavy smoking history.
We believe that it is mandatory to have nationwide statistics of mutiple primary cancers associated with lung cancer and to search for the common etioloies, if any


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