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´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 1995³â 27±Ç 1È£ p.111 ~ 120
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To evaluate which cyto-molecular genetic evolutionary patterns take place during the in vitro establishment of permanent squamous cell carcinoma cell line of urinary bladder, cyto-molecular genetic follow up was performed on primary culture for
weeks and on cancer cell line after contineued culture for three years in vitro. Near-diploid cells present on primary culture and near-hypertriploid or hypotetraploid cells, in contrast, present on cancer cell line. Chromosomal gains or losses
random from primary cancer to cell line. There are two kinds of structural cytogenetic abnormalities through progress in culture time. One is maintaining abnormal clone from original cancer to derived cancer cell line. Others are cytogenetic
during progessing culture time; Increasing and decreasing abnormal clones are coexisted in both group.
Activation of oncogenes are different from primary cancer to cancer cell line. In conclusion, there are genetic alterations through progressing from primary cancer to cancer cell line. Due to these alterations, cancer cell lines don't substituted
primary cancer and can not be availabe for using materials to choose production on monoclonal antibody and theraputic test.


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