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³²¼º À¯¹æ¾Ï Male Breast Cancer

´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 1995³â 27±Ç 3È£ p.436 ~ 441
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Male breast cancer is reported to compromise 0.5% of all breast cancers and 0.16% of malignant cancers in men.
The histologic patterns of breast cancer in mean are similar to those observed in the female breast.
We have experienced 9 cases, among 1345 cases, surgically treated breast cancer, from Jan. 1970 to Dec. 1994.
The clinical analysis of 9 male breast cancer who had been treated surgically, was done.
@ES The results were as follows:
@EN 1) In the age distribution, the peak age incidence was 5th decade(56%).
2) The most common symptom and sign was palpable breast mass(78%: 7 cases).
3) the most common duration of symptom, was within 1year(44%: 4cases),
4) In the location and size of tumor, upper quadrant was 56% (5cases) and central: 2 cases, lower outer: 1case, multicentric: 1case.
T2: 4cases T3:2cases T1: 1case Tis: 2cases
5) In the operation method, modified radical mastectomy was performed 88%(7cases), wide excision was 12%(2cases)
6) In the pathologic classification, infiltrating ductal carcinoma was 56%(5cases), intraductal carcinoma 2cases, mucinous carcinoma 1 cases, papillary carcinoma 1case.
7) In the stage(AJCC, 1988), stage ¥±was 44%(4cases), stage ¥²2cases, stage I: 1case, stage 0:2cases
8) In the follow-up 3 patients died after 20 months, 5years, 11years survival, each cause of death, was recurrence and distant metastasis, sudden aneurysmal rupture, gastrectomy(stomach cancer).
Other 6 patients are in the disease free state.


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