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À§¼±¾Ï°ú º´¹ßÇÑ ¿ø¹ß¼º À§¼Ò¼¼Æ÷¾Ï 1¿¹ A Case of Concurrent Occurrence of Small Cell Carcinoma and Adenocarcinoma in the Stomach

´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 1995³â 27±Ç 3È£ p.513 ~ 520
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Primary small cell carcinoma of the stomach is an extremely rare disease. It has similar clinical behavior with small cell carcinoma of lung, which shows aggressive course with rapid and wide dissemination and very poor prognosis.
We report a case of concurrent occurrence of primary small cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma in the stomach with multiple intraabdominal metastases, which had responded to combination chemotherapy with 5-FU, VP-16, and Cisplatin.


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