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´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 1995³â 27±Ç 4È£ p.653 ~ 670
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Malignant tumors are almost invariably associated with angiogenesis, which could be inhibited by a number of agents including crude extract from shark cartilage(CESC). The experiments presented here were designed to morphologically evaluate the
of CESC on both proliferation of malignant tumor and microvessels thereof by means of chorioallantoic membrane(CAM) assay and implantation of malignant tumor.
First, CAM assay was performed to evaluate the antiangiogenio effect of CESC. CESC was infused into F9 murine embryonal carcinoma implanted into CAM and peritoneum of ICR mouse with Sarcoma 180 cells implanted in subcutis. Quantitative evaluation
angiogenesis was attempted by counting new microvessels within the tumor of both groups. In addition, cytokinetic study of new microvessels was also performed using immunohistochemical staining of proliferating cell nuclear antigen(PCNA) to
The CAM assay for CESC showed distinct distinct inhibitory effect on new microvessels but not on preexisting blood vessels. There was obvious decrease in density of new vessels growing towards F9 murine embryonal carcinoma implanted into CAM in
experimental group as compared with the control group. The weight of F9 murine embryonal carcinoma implanted tend to be greater in the control group than in the experimental group. Likewise, the weight of Sarcoma 180 implanted into ICR mouse
increased slowly but later more rapidly in the control group than in the experimental group reflecting that the density of microvessels in the later group was much more decreased, which was confirmed on tissue sections. PCNA labelling index of
proliferating endothelial cells within Sarcoma 180 implanted tended to be decreased more in the experimental group than in the control group as was that of endothelial cells in F9 murine embryonal carcinoma implanted into CAM.
These results indicate that CESC can inhibit angiogenesis and thus suppress proliferation of malignant tumor. It follows that selected extract of shark cartilage accounting for inhibition of angiogenesis could suppress tumor growth and possibly
even tumor metastasis when considering the essential step of angiogenesis in process of metastasis in general.


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