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Topoisomerase´Â DNA °¡´Ú¿¡ ÀϽÃÀûÀ¸·Î Æı«¸¦ ÀÏÀ¸Å°´Â È¿¼Ò·Î¼­, DNA º¹Á¦, Àü»ç,
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Purpose : To determine whether the expression of DNA topoisomerase ¥± and
P-glycoprotein are of prognostic value.
Materials and Methods : We evaluated the expression of DNA topoisomerase ¥± and
lycoprotein immunohistochemically in a retrospective study of samples from 44 patients
with breast cancer. Thirty two among 44 patients (72.7%) received chemotherapeutic
treatments (CMF or FAC protocol) and/or tamoxifen postoperatively.
Results : P-glycoprotein was detected in the 27 samples of 44 patients (61.3%). The
expression of P-glycoprotein was increased in the patients older than 50 years, with
distant metastases, and with death on follow-up. DNA topoisomerase ¥± was detected in
the 34 samples of 44 patients (77.2%). The expression of topoisomerase ¥± was
increased in the patients younger than 50 years, with recurrent tumor, with distant
metastases, and with death on follow-up. The expression of P-glycoprotein and
topoisomerase ¥± was not coirelated with other clinico-pathological factors including the
size of primary tumor, involvement of Iymph node, histologic grade, and clinical stage.
The correlation between expression of P-glycoprotein and topoisomerase ¥± was not
Conclusion : The immunohistochemical evaluation of P-glycoprotein and topoisomerase
¥± before treatment in breast cancer has little clinica] prognostic value.


DNA topoisomerase ¥±; p-glycoprotein; Breast cancer; Immunohistochemistry;

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