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Purpose : Except hormonal agents and biologic response modifier, the biologic effects
of chemotherapy and radiotherapy as anti-cancer therapy have the mechanism of DNA
injury. They cause not only cancer cell necrosis, but also infertility, bone marrow
suppression, secondary malignancy, and individual death. There are many reports to
human genome or chromosomal injuries by radiation but few by chemotherapy.
Therefore this study is designed for systemic evaluation of the frequency of
chromosomal damage by chemotherapy.
Materials and methods : We performed evaluation of chromosomal aberration, sister
chromatid exchange, and mitotic index were examined in 3 patient with NSCLC. Two of
them were stage ¥²b and the other one was stage ¥³ Venous blood was taken from
patients before chemotherapy and one day after last administration of combination
chemotherapy. Microscopic examination for chromosomal aberration, chromatid aberration,
and SCEs was done after cell culture and FPG stain.
Results : The incidence of chromatid break was 3 before chemotherapy and 26 after
chemotherapy The incidence of SCEs was 9.85¡¾1.93 before chemotherapy and 40.47¡¾
7.12 after chemotherapy
Conclusion : Incidence of chromatid break and SCEs increased after combination

Non-small cell lung cancer; Chemotherapy; Chromosomal aberration; Chromatid aberration; Sister Chromatid Exchange;


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