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Purpose: The identification of genetic traits that predispose individuals to
environmentally induced cancers is one of the challanges in the assessment of individual
cancer risk. The genetically determined differences in metabolism, related to glutathione
S-transferases(GSTs) have been reported to be associated with various cancer
susceptibility. The present study was set up to establish the frequencies of the
polymorphic genotypes of two GST(GST-mu and GST-theta) isozymes in Korea, to
evaluate a possible increased incidence of the genotypes associated with higher cervical
cancer risks among Korean cervical cancer patients.
Materials and Methods: In this study, extracted DNAs from cervical cancer
patients(228 for GST-mu and 241 for GST-theta genotypes) and normal controls(360 for
GST-mu and 353 for GST-theta genotypes) were analysed with the polymerase chain
Results: The overall genotype distribution of the GST-theta polymorphisms was not
statistically different between the patients and control groups. But, in the GST-mu null
genotypes, there were remarkable differences between patients and control groups when
the cervical cancer patients were devided into subgroups with respect to the age. The
frequency of GST-mu null polymorphisms in the cervical cancer patients under the 40
years old was significantly higher compared to the patients above the 40 years
old(0.01were correlated to far advanced clinical stages(stages III and IV)(0.05parameters including histological type and degree of differentiation were not correlated
with GST polymorphism.
Conclusion: These results strongly suggest that individuals carrying GST-mu(null)
alleles are genetically susceptible to cervical cancer which develops before 40 years of
age and GST-mu null genotype may play a some role in cervical cancer progression.


Cervical cancer; Genetic susceptibility; Glutathione S-Transferase;

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