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¸é¿ª±â´É °¨¼Ò ȯÀÚ¿¡¼­ ¹ß»ýÇÑ Typhlitis 4¿¹ Four Cases of Typhlitis, Developed in Neutropenic State and Treated with Medical Conservative Management

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Typhlitis is a life threatening necrotizing enterocolitis of the cecum, ascending colon
and terminal ileum seen in severely neutropenic patients, however its pathogenesis is not
identified up to this time.
The incidence of typhlitis in leukemic patient is 10¡­12%, estimated by postmortem
examination, and 46% in induction chemotherapy of leukemia. Recently, entity incidence
is more high due to increasing challenges to high dose chemotherapy in solid tumors.
We experienced four cases of typhlitis, one was developed in the circumstance of
neutropenia induced by induction chemotherapy for acute myelocytic leukemia and others
in neutropnia due to primary diseases without chemotherapy, is, chronic myelocytic
leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome.
All cases were treated with high dose broad spectrum antibiotics in early phase of
disease and its outcome was good, so that, early diagnosis of typhlitis is essential, then
prompt treatment with high dose antibiotics and intravenous fluid before onset of
transmural necrosis is associated with lower morbidity and mortality than surgical


Typhlitis; Neutropenia; Antibiotics; Chemotherapy;

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