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Acoustic neurinomas are usually slow-growing benign tumors. Surgical removal
remains the best treatment and is less invasive with today's tech nology and
otoneurosurgical approaches; total excision is curative in nearly 97% of cases. However,
total removal is not always possible and surgery is sometimes not feasible; a significant
subset of patients are elderly, medically infirm, or lesions that recurred after a prior
excision. Resection may be associated with a high risk of treatment related morbidity
and/or incomplete excision in this group of patients. An alterative is simply to observe
such patients and withhold treatment until the lesion progresses. In those patients in
whom therapy subsequently becomes necessary, fractionated external beam radiotherapy
or stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) may be indicated. Although there is relatively limited
long-term information pertaining to the former, doses in excess of 45 Gy at 1.8 Gy per
fraction, alone or combined with subtotal excision, appear to be effective. However,
disadvantages associated with fractionated external beam radiotherapy include irradiation
of a substantial portion of the normal brain and the approximately 6 weeks necessary to
complete treatment.
There are also data indicating that SRS using the gamma knife resulted in a high
likelihood of local control. Long-term data are available from the Karolinska Institute in
Stockholm, where stereotactic radiosurgery for acoustic neurinomas was first employed
in 1969. Another method of delivering SRS is with the linear accelerator-based system
as employed at the Harvard Joint Center for Radiation Therapy, and elsewhere.
However, there are rare data pertaining to the results of SRS for acoustic neurinomas
using a linear accelerator-based system. Herein we report our initial experience with
linear accelerator-based SRS for this entity.


Linear accelerator; Stereotactic radiosurgery; Acoustic neurinomas;

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