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ifosfamide´Â ÇöÀúÇÑ Ä¡·á È¿°ú¸¦ ³ªÅ¸³»¾ú´Âµ¥, ´Üµ¶ ¿ä¹ýÀ¸·Îµµ 50%ÀÌ»óÀÇ ¹ÝÀÀ·üÀ» º¸¿´
À¸¸ç, EDȯÀڵ鿡°Ô etoposide, cisplatin°ú ifosfamideÀÇ 3ÀÚ º¹ÇÕÈ­Çпä¹ý(VIP¿ä¹ý)À» ½ÃÇà
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cisplatin 3Á¦ º¹ÇÕÈ­Çпä¹ý (VIP¿ä¹ý)À» ½ÃÇàÇÏ¿© ±× Ä¡·á È¿°ú¿Í ºÎÀÛ¿ë¿¡ ´ëÇÑ °á°ú¸¦ ºÐ
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Purpose : A prospective phase ¥± trial was conducted in patients with small cell lung
cancer (SCLC) to determine whether the response rate, duration of response, and overall
survival can be improved by a combination chemotherapy with etoposide, ifosfamide, and
cisplatin (VIP).
Material and Methods: From May 1994 to April 1997, thirty-three previously untreated
patients with SCLC received individualized treatment tailored to disease extent.
Twenty-one patients with limited disease (LD) received six cycles of chemotherapy
consisting of etoposide 120 mg/m2, ifosfamide 1,500 mg/m2,
and cisplatin 25 mg/m2 all given intravenously on days 1, 3 and 5. Cycles
were repeated every 3 weeks for six cycles. Thoracic radiotherapy was administered to
15 patients with LD of SCLC subsequently after initial two or three cycles of
chemotherapy Prophylactic cranial irradiation was given to complete responders of SCLC.
Chemotherapy alone was administered to 12 patients with extensive disease (ED) of
Results : Complete response (CR) rate was 51%(LD 67%, ED 25%) and overall
response rate was 94%(LD 95%, ED 92, p=0.022). And the median duration of response
of all patients was 8 months (11 months in LD, 6.5 months in ED, p=0.042). With a
median follow-up period of 13 months (3+¡­36), the median survival of all patients was
12 months (16 months in LD, 9.5 months in ED, p=0.006), and the median disease-free
survival (DFS) of 17 CR patients was 12 months. Stage and performance status score
were important prognostic factor, but sex, age, and LDH level did not affect the
outcome significantly. Among 21 patients with LD, 15 patients received radiotherapy and
6 did not. The overall response rate of patients who received radiotherapy was
significantly higher than that of patients who did not (p=0.045). But there were no
significant differences in duration of response and 05 between them (p=0.055, p=0.068,
respectively). The major side effects (greater than grade 2 of WHO criteria) of evaluable
154 cycles of chemotherapy were alopecia (76%), nausea/vomiting (54%), leukopenia
(27%), anemia (19%), and thrombocytopenia (15%).
Conclusion : VIP chemotherapy has produced a high complete remission rate and it is
a safe and well-tolerated regimen in SCLC. However, compared to previous reports, it
has not improved overall survival significantly, Further phase ¥± and ¥² studies are
warranted to confirm the efficacy of VIP chemotherapy.


Small cell lung cancer; Etoposide(VP-16); Ifosfamide; Cisplatin;

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