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Purpose : Until several years ago, gastric or hepatic resection was seldom indicated
for metastatic gastric cancer because of the expected dismal prognosis. Recently, some
studies have reported benefits from gastric or hepatic resection for metastatic gastric
cancer, We performed this retrospective study to see the prognosis after aggressive
surgery in gastric cancer patients with hepatic metastasis.
Materials and Methods : A total of 112 gastric cancer patients were confirmed to have
liver metastasis at the time of initial surgery or preoperative evaluation during the
8-year period from January, 1987 to December, 1994 at the Department of Surgery,
Yonsei University, College of Medicine. Thirty eight cases(33.9%) underwent
gastrectomy(total gastrectomy: 15, subtotal gastrectomy: 23). Of these 38 cases, 12
underwent a combined resection of metastatic hepatic tumors(segmentectomy: 7, wedge
resection: 3, lobectomy: 1 and enucleation: 1).
Results : The locations of primary lesion were most common in the lower 1/3 of the
stomach in all of the nonresected, the gastrectomy only, and the gastrectomy &
hepatectomy group. Most of the cancers belonged to Borrmann type ¥² and ¥³.
Histologically, dedifferentiated cancer(poorly differentiated cancer, signet ring cell cancer,
mucinous cancer) was more frequent in the nonresected group(67.4%) while
differentiated cancer(papillary cancer, well differentiated cancer, moderately differentiated
cancer) was more frequent in the resected group(60.9%). The number of metastatic
hepatic nodules were less than two in the resected group and the location of metastatic
lesions tended to be limited to one lobe. Concerning the prognosis, the mean survival of
the resected group was better than the nonresected group(nonresected group: 8.4 months,
gastrectomy only group: 18.4 months, gastrectomy & hepatectomy group: 35.5 months).
The mean score of QOL(quality of life) according to Spitter index was better in the
resected group(nonresected group: 5.1, gastrectomy only group: 6.0, gastrectomy &
hepatectomy group: 7.5).
Conclusion : Resection of both the primary gastric lesion and the metastatic hepatic
lesion should be considered in selected cases to improve the survival and the quality of
life in patients with hepatic metastasis.


Gastric cancer; Hepatic metastasis; Prognosis; Quality of life;

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