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Purpose : We evaluated the prognostic significance of p53 and proliferating cell
unclear antigen(PCNA) in stage ¥²gastric carcinoma to determine the correlation between
the p53 and PCNA expression and various clinicopathological parameters.
Materials and Methods : The expression of p53 and PCNA were studied
immunohistchemically in 64 cases of stage 111 gastric carcinomas with
paraffin-embedded tissue specimens which were obtained surgically at the department of
surgery, Presbyterian Medical Center from 1991 to 1992. Both expression were compared
with known factors of prognosis. Survival rate and other clinicopathological parameters
were analysed.
Results : Expression rates of p53 and high PCNA group were 40.6% and 26.6%,
respectively. There was no significant correlation between the p53 and PCNA expression
and various clinicopathological variables such as age, sex, stage, histology, tumor depth,
number of metastatic node, tumor size, site and method of operation. To analyse
survival, we evaluated overall survival according to the extent of p53 and PCNA
expression. No significant correlations between the p53 and PCNA expression and
overall survival were found.
Conclusion : These results suggest that the p53 and PCNA expression seems to be
hard to use as a prognostic indicator in stage ¥² gastric carcinoma.


Stage ¥² gastric carcinoma; Prognostic significance; p53; PCNA;

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