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Purpose : Gastric adenocarcinoma is the most common malignant tumor in Korea and
immunochemotherapy can be alternative method of the treatment for it. So we evaluated
several immunologic markers, Major Histocomatibility (MHC) Antigen and Intercellular
Adhesion Molecule (ICAM)-1 which play an important roles in cellular immune response
of the host to the tumor cells, HLA-DR/DP antigens, one of the MHC class ¥± which is
expressed in various conditions, CD 68 antigen which are also important factor in
immune response to the tumor cells.
Materials and Methods : We compared the expression of MHC class ¥± (HLA-DR/DP)
antigens, ICAM-1 and the number of tumor-infiltrating macrophages presenting CD68
antigen in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections of 95 gastric
adenocarcinomas using immunohistochemistry. In addition to analyze the relationship
between expression of these antigens in gastric adenocarcinoma, histolopathologic
findings such as tumor invasion, regional lymph node metastasis and histologic
differentiation are evaluated.
Results : The rate of HLA-DR/DP expression was 60% and strongly associated with
tumor differentiation, invasion and regional lymph node metastasis. ICAM-1 was
expressed in 15% and slightly increased in well-differentiated carcinoma. The lack of
expression of ICAM-1 was observed in high invasive tumor (T 4). CD 68(+)
macrophages counts were significantly increased in around the tumor cells, compared to
normal epithelia. HLA-BR/DP expression and infiltrating CD 68(+) macrophage numbers
were significantly associated (p <0.05), but there was no correlationship between
ICAM-1 and CD 68(+) macrophage numbers.
Conclusion : It was considered that enhanced expression of HLA-DR/DP antigens,
BCAM-1 and CD68(+) macrophages in gastric adenocarcinomas may be an
immunophenotypic deviation. HLA-DR/DP and CD68(+) macrophages infiltration showed
correlationship with tumor invasion and regional lymph node metastasis, that they may
be used as a prognostic factor of the tumor growth.


Gastric adenocarcinoma; MHC Class ¥±(HLA-DR/DP); ICAM-1; CD68(+) macrophage; Immunohistochemistry;

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