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Purpose : As a new strategy to modulate drug resistance in the treatment of relapsed
or refractory non-Hodgkin's lymphoma(NHL), continuos infusion of drugs has been
incorporated into the chemotherapy. We conducted a phase ¥± study to determine the
activity and safety of EPOCH (etoposide, vincristine, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide,
prednisolone) chemotherapy, in which the natural products are administered as a
continuous infusion, for previously treated NHL's of intermediate grade.
Materials and Methods : EPOCH chemotherapy (etoposide 50 §·/m2/day
24 hour-continuous infusion, days 1¡­4, vincristine 0.4 §·/m2/day 24
hour-continuous infusion, days 1¡­4, doxorubicin 10 §·/m2/day 24
hour-continuous infusion, days 1¡­4, cyclophosphamide 750 §·/m2/ i.v., day
5, prednisolone 60 §·/m2/day p.o. days 1¡­5) was given to eligible patients
every 3 weeks and we assessed response and toxicity of the regimen.
Results : Between June 1993 and December 1995, total 56 patients entered this trial
and 49 were evaluable. The complete response rate was 41%(95% C.1.: 27¡­55%). After
follow up of 9¡­50(median 38) months, progression free survival was 0¡­39+ (median 7)
months and the overall survival was 1 ¡­44+ (median 14) months. The prognostic factor
analyses showed that B symptoms and serum LDH level before treatment and response
to previous treatment affected complete response rate, and patients' performance status
and response to previous treatment affected progression free survival and overall
survival. Toxicities of EPOCH regimen were leukopenia, stomatitis, nausea/vomiting and
neurotoxicity, but they were tolerable. There was 1 case of treatment-related death due
to sepsis.
Conclusion : EPOCH chemotherapy was safe and effective for the patients with
relapsed NHL. However, the results of patients with NHL refractory to previous
treatment were so poor that more intensive, novel treatment would be needed for this
category of patients.


Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; EPOCH(etoposide; vincristine; doxorubicin; cyclophosphamide; prednisol;

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