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ÀÎü À§¾ÏÁ¶Á÷¿¡¼­ ras, p53, c-erbB2 ´Ü¹é¹ßÇö°ú Á¡¾×Á¶Á÷ È­Çйý¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ Ç¥ÇöÇü ¹ßÇö°úÀÇ »óÈ£°ü°è¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ¿¬±¸ Studies on Relationship between Expression of ruts, c-erbB2, and p53 and Phenotypic Expression Using Mucin Histochemistry in Human Gastric Carcinomas

´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 30±Ç 2È£ p.288 ~ 299
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Àå¾Ï ¸ðµ¨°ú À¯»çÇÏ°Ô p53, K-ras, APC, DCC, c-erbB2 À¯ÀüÀÚÀÇ µ¹¿¬º¯À̳ª °ú¹ßÇöÀÌ À§
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Purpose : Recent studies have shown that the expression of mucin is organ- and
cell-type specific and it is increasingly possible that its change could result from
oncogene activation. To evaluate histogenesis and prognostic factors for gastric
carcinomas, we studied the oncoprotein expression in gastric cancer cells classified by
mucin phenotye.
Materials and Methods : Mucin histochemistry and immunohistochemistry for ruts,
c-erbB2, and p53 oncoprotein expression were performed in 101 surgically resected
gastric carcinoma specimens. PAS-Con 4, G05, and HID-AB staining techniques were
employed in identifying mucosubstances.
Results : Of the 101 specimens studied, 73(72.3%) revealed as having mixture of
various mucin-secreting cancer cells. Overall, ras immunoreactivity was observed in
72(71.3%), c-erbB2 in 7(6.9%), and p53 in 47(46.5%). Of the 73 mucus-secreting
carcinomas, the surface mucous cell type were shown in 65 (89.0%), the pyloric gland
cell type in 48(65.8%), the sialomucin type in 47(64.4%), and the sulfomucin type in
54(74.0%). There was significant association between mucin secretion and ras
expression, but not c-erbB2 and p53 expression. There was no significant association
between mucin secreting cell types and Lauren classification. Ras expression was
correlated with serosal invasion, lymph node metastasis and poor prognosis.
Conclusion : The phenotypic expression by mucin histochemistry may be not more
important for studying of histogenesis in gastric carcinoma than Lauren classification.
Ras expression is a poor prognostic indicator and may be correlated with phenotypic
expression of surface mucous cell and intestinal cell type in gastric carcinoma.


Stomach carcinoma; Mucin histochemistry; was; c-erbB2; p53;

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