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About 40% of the patients who have been diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer
who receive standard radical radiation therapy die from the disease, with many of these
patients suffer from uncontrolled local-regional tumor. The overall local control rate of
radiotherapy alone in stage I and ¥± cervix cancer patients was reported to be about75%
to 90% and the total pelvic failure rate in stage ¥°B, ¥±A, and ¥±B was 6.4%, 12.5%,
and 17.4%, respectively(1¡­6). Because radiation therapy is one of the locoregional
treatment modalities and the local control of the disease is first of all determinant to the
patient's survival and is the component we could increase the survival rate by the
improvement of the radiation therapy techniques we focused our attention to the
locoregional tumor effects of radiation through this analysis. The radiation effect on the
cervix cancer depends on the variable factors such as the host factors, tumor factors,
and treatment factors, which are usually interrelated in a complex mechanism. Also the
brachytherapy is very important component in the radiation therapy of cervix cancer
patients, but because the brachytherapy devices and radioactive source and its dose rate
is variable among the institutes, the direct comparison is controversial and difficult
problems. In our hospital we introduced the Buckler system at 1987, which is one of the
high dose rate model and has different radiobiological considerations comparing to the
historical conventional low dose rate brashy-therapy systems. For these reasons we
analyzed the data of the treated cervix cancer patients by radiotherapy alone from that
time to 1991 at the Department of Radiation Oncology, Chonnam University Hospital,
retrospectively and we assessed the effect of the possible parameters on the pelvic
tumor control in a group of radically irradiated patients with cervical cancer to find out
the clue solving the problems by defining the important parameters for the locoregional
control of the disease by the radiotherapy.


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