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ÀÎü ÀçÁ¶ÇÕ Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor(rhGM-CSF)¿Í Methotrexate¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ ±Þ¼º °ñ¼ö¼º ¹éÇ÷º´¼¼Æ÷ÀÇ Ç×¾ÏÁ¦ °¨¼ö¼º Áõ°¡ Chemopotentiation of Fresh Acute Myelogenous Leukemic Cells by Recombinant Human Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor(GM-CSF) and Methotrexate

´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 30±Ç 2È£ p.357 ~ 369
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Allogenic bone marrow transplantation is the most curable treatment in patients with
acute myelogenous leukemia(AML), but only 40% of patients have an available donor.
Although biologic therapies continue to grow, cytotoxic chemotherapy remains the
mainstay of treatment. Despite advances in chemotherapy, long-term survival of patients
with AML has not significantly improved in recent years. Cytosine arabino-side(ara-C)
is the most active single drug available for the treatment of AML. In combination with
an anthracycline, 60¡­80% of patients achieve a complete remission, but most of them
relapse, resulting in an overall long-term survival rate of 20¡­30%. Ara-C requires
uptake into leukemic cells and conversion by deoxycytidine kinase to its active form,
ara-cytidine triphosphate(ara-CTP). The activity of aria -CTP is S phase dependent, as
it inhibits DNA synthesis by competitive inhibition of DNA polymerase and by
incorporation into DNA resulting in premature chain termination. Cell kinetics of AML
showed that the significant proportion of leukemic cells was out of cell cycle. It has
been reported that growth fraction was estimated at about 42.6% and the fraction in the
S phase was 5.1¡¾3.8%. Most antileukemic drugs are mainly effective in the S phase of
the cell cycle but a substantial proportion of AML blasts is in the chemoresistant
G0 phase. Many nonproliferating leukemic cells escape the cytotoxicity of
cell cycle specific Ara-C despite a schedule of prolonged continuous administration. If
such nonproliferating cells retain clonogenic potential, they may be a source of
resistance to treatment(cytokinetic resistance). Clinically, granulocyte-macrophage colony
-stimulating factor(GM-CSF) has been used in patients with AML with two aims; one
to accelerate the recovery of cytopenia after chemotherapy while the second approach
aims at an enhancement of antileukemic effect of chemotherapy by a recruitment of
chemoresistant resting leukemic cells into sensitive phase of cell cycle. Several studies
showed that GM-CSF consistently stimulated CFU-AML and reported that the
cytotoxicity of ara-C to AML blast could be enhanced by GM-CSF. A few prospective
clinical trials are under way, but the overall results are not encouraging. There are
several limitations of the recruitment approach, which include lack of consistent
recruitment. Methotrexate(MTX) has been proposed for synchronization of cell cycle and
used by cytogeneticists for high resolution banding analysis. MTX as a synchronizing
agent causes a temporary arrest of cells at G1/early S phase. It was
reported that some cancer cell lines could be highly synchronized by a low dose of
MTX without cytotoxicity or physiological perturbations. The tetrazolium-based
colorimetric(MTT) assay, based on the ability of living cells to reduce the tetrazolium
salt to a formazan product, is a predictive assay of chemosensitivity that is rapid,
simple and inexpensive. It is widely used to quantitate chemosensitivity of fresh human
leukemic cells. We have recently carried out a pilot study on the modulation of AML
cell lines by GM-CSF and/or MTX. Based on these data, we conducted this study to
confirm the hypothesis that simultaneous GM-CSF-induced recruitment and
MTX-induced synchronization of chemoresistant Go leukemic cells into sensitive S phase
of the cell cycle could result in enhanced cytotoxicity of cell cycle specific drugs such
as Era-C to AML leukemic cells and to provide a rationale for a novel approach to the
treatment of AML.


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