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Purpose : The detection of bladder cancers by noninvasive techniques remains an
unsolved problem. We evaluate the availability of an immunoassay for urinary nuclear
matrix protein, NMP 22, as an indicator for transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder.
Materials and Methods : Three groups of subjects participated in this trial of NMP 22
: 22 patients with transitional cell carcinoma (group 1), 12 patients with urinary tract
infection (group 2) and 31 healthy volunteers (group 3). NMP 22 was determined by
ELISA using a commercial test kit (NMP 22 Test Kit, Matritech Inc.,
USA). We compared urinary NMP 22 levels to the grade, stage, cytology and DNA
flowcytometry of transitional cell carcinoma of bladder.
Results : NMP 22 values in these 3 groups were significantly different (group 1,
median 24.81 U/mL; group 2, median 8.41 U/mL; and group 3, median 5.12 U/mL;
Mann-whitney U test for differences between 3 medians, p<0.05). The patients with
transitional cell carcinoma had significantly greater urinary NMP 22 levels than those
with no evidence of tumor (Mann-whitney U test for differences between 2 medians, p
<0.01). There was no relationship between the urinary NMP 22 levels and tumor grade,
stage, cytology or DNA flowcytometry.
Conclusions : It is possible that urinary NMP 22 could improve the detection of
bladder transitional cell carcinoma.


Tumor marker; Bladder cancer; NMP22;

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