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Purpose : Cancer has become the major cause of deaths in Korea. Planning care for
patients with terminal cancer is difficult. The prediction of length and prognostic factors
of survival in the terminal cancer can facilitate the planning of a supportive care
program aimed at patients' need. The aim of this study was to identify length and
those related factor of survival in the patients with terminal cancer.
Materials and methods : This retrospective study was performed on 271 patients, who
were diagnosed as terminal cancer in Seoul National University Hospital from March
1991 to February 1996. For getting the further informations about the patient, we
interviewed with surviving relatives by telephone, and we requested administrative helps
in order to take the informations about date of death. We examined the relations of 10
factors with survival in patients with terminal cancer
Results : We could confirm 229 patients' death(84.5%) in 271 subjects. The median
length of survival in patients with terminal cancer was 11 weeks(95% CI 10.0¡­14.0). By
univariate analysis, history of surgery(P<0.01), performance(P<0.05), severity of pain(P<
0.001), and dyspnea(P<0.05) were clinical factors in predicting survival. According to
Cox's proportional hazard model including sex, age, history of surgery, performance,
severity of pain, and dyspnea as variables, absence of surgery history(RR 1.398, 95%CI
1.038¡­1.882) and severity of pain(RR 1.398, 95%CI 1.044¡­1.872) showed independent
prognostic value.
Conclusion : The median survival was 11 weeks, and absence of surgery history and
severity of pain were the independent prognostic factors for patients with terminal


Terminal cancer; Survival; Prognostic factor;

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