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(Y535F)°¡ ÇÔ²² ¸é¿ªÄ§Àü µÇ´Â °ÍÀÌ °üÂûµÇ¾ú´Ù.
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adhesion complex¿Í °ü·ÃµÈ ½ÅÈ£Àü´Þ°úÁ¤¿¡¼­ Src°ú »óÈ£ º¸¿ÏÀûÀÎ ±â´É(redundancy)À» Áö
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The photo-oncogene c-yes was identified as a cellular homologue of its oncogenic
form (v-yes) found in the genomes of Y73 and Esh avian sarcoma viruses. Its gene
product, p62c-Yes(c-Yes) belongs to Src family proteins that are
characterized by canonical protein domains and their unique arrangement within a
molecule. Many studies have been done on these non-receptor protein tyrosine kinase
family proteins, revealing their involvement in crucial signaling processes responsible for
biological phenomena of significance. The c-Yes has 90% homology in kinase domain
and about 80% homology in SH2 and SH3 domain compared with c-Src and is believed
to associate with cellular membrane structures due to its very N-terminal region of lipid
modification such as myristylation. In mammalian tissues, c-Yes is highly expressed in
neurons of the central nervous system, in platelets, in spermatids, and in a wide variety
of epithelial cell types. While its viral homologue is proven to cause sarcoma and to
transform cells, physiological function of c-Yes is still not clear. Inferred from studies
being done on other Src family proteins, c-Yes seems to take part in signal
transduction implicated in growth and proliferation. As expected from high homology
between c-Yes and c-Src, both kinases share many kinds of substrates in common and
the results of some experiments strongly support functional redundancy among Src
family members. However, considering abnormal bone metabolism observed in c-Src
deficiency, defective long term potentiation in Fyn deficiency and deranged immune
system in Lck deficiency, it is also true that not all the functions of each kinase are
covered up by other members. Even in cell culture system, each kinase responds
differently to certain stimuli of the same kind as opposed to other activities being
shared among family members, fortifying the possibility that each member may
impalement its unique role in addition to biologically crucial functions partly backed up
by familial redundancy. For its survival, eucaryotic cells require elaborate intracellular
signalling networks that coordinate their proliferation, differentiation and metabolism, and
in constructing signal transduction pathways, protein-protein interaction plays a major
role. Therefore seeking physical binders and testing their roles as proteins of biological
significance are exploited as a popular strategy of dissecting signal transduction
pathways related to the protein of interest.


Proto-oncogene; Yes; SH3 domain; Proline-rich region;

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