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Purpose : The purpose of this study is to evaluate the diagnostic availability of the
morphology of mitochondria to identify the nature or the origin of neoplasms.
Materials and Methods : We analysed two cases of ovarian malignancy- a case of
malignant steroid cell tumor, unclassified and a case of metastatic carcinosarcoma from
the adrenal cortex- which were difficult to identify the origin and the nature of the
tumor for special staining, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural methods.
Results : To evaluate the nature or the origin of neoplasms, we performed
immuno-histochemistry for various antigens and special stains, however the specific
diagnostic clues were not provided by these modalities. The ultrastructural
characteristics of mitochondria of neoplastic cells showing tubular or tubulo-vesicular
inner mitochondrial membranes provided diagnostic clues as a marker for steroidogenic
potential. The morphology of mitochondria is related to the enzyme activity and
steroid-biosynthetic capacity of cells. Especially, the inner mitochondrial membrane
structure is believed to be related to the steroid biosynthetic activity. In hypofunctional
state of corticosteroid production, a reduced number of inner mitochondrial membranes
showing tubular patterns is noted. In contrast, the stimulation of steroidogenesis result
in a progressive increase of mitochondrial membrane showing densely packed rounded
vesicular patterns via tubulo-vesicular patterns according to the activity of
Conclusion : The tubular, the vesicular and the tubulo-vesicular mitochondria will be
valuable to identify the uncertainty of nature and origin of tumor as a steroidogenic.


Tubular mitochondria; Tubulo-vesicular mitochondria; Vesicular mitochondria; Steroidogenesis;

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