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Purpose : To evaluate the effect of wild type p53 gene transduction on the malignant
phenotypes for metastasis in gastric cancer, we compared the biological phenpotypes of
gastric cancer cell lines based on p53 gene status. Then, after retrovirus-mediated
wild-type p53 gene transduction, we compared those phenotypes among parent YCC-3
cell line, vector transduced YCC-3v cell line and a clone of YCC-3C3.
Material and methods : Four human gastric cancer cell lines were used; YCC-1
(mutant), YCC-2(wild), YCC-3(mutant) and AGS(wild). DNAs of the cell lines were
analyzed to evaluate the mobility shift with PCR-SSCP. Tumorigenecity and proliferation
were evaluated by soft agar assay and proliferation assay. Migratory capacity was
measured by adhesion assay and Boyden chamber assay. p53 protein expression was
measured by Western blot analysis and VEGF, WAF-1 were measured by ELISA
assay. Angiogenic activity was measured by cross-feeding assay and cell cycle analysis
was performed by flow cytometry. In vivo tumorigenicity was measured by xenograft in
nude mice.
Results : YCC-3 cell line with mutant p53 gene expressed all the phenotypes for the
metastasis such as tumorigenicity, migration and angiogenesis. In a stable clone of
YCC-3C3, no differences were found in proliferation, cell cycle and WAF-1
expression when compared to those of the control YCC-3v and parent YCC-3 cell line,
even if increased p53 protein production was found by Western blot analysis. However,
both in vitro and in vivo tumorigenicity were decreased in a stably transduced
YCC-3C3 clone. The adhesive capacity was also decreased in
YCC-3C3 clone whereas the endothelial cell growth stimulatory effect and
VEGF production showed no difference compared to those of the YCC-3v cell line.
Conclusion : Wild-type p53 gene transduction in gastric cancer cell line decreased
tumorigenicity which resulted from decreased colony forming activity and adhesive
capacity but not formed changes of angiogenic activity. This suggested the possible
application of anti-metastasis strategy with p53 gene therapy in gastric cancer.


Wild-type p53; Malignant phenotypes; Transduction; Gastric cancer;

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