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À§¾Ï, ´ëÀå¾Ï ¹× °£¾Ï ¼¼Æ÷ÁÖ¿¡¼­ p16INK4A ´Ü¹é ¹ßÇö The p161NK4A Expression in Stomach Cancer, Colon Cancer and Hematoma Cell Lines

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Purpose : The p161NK4A gene encodes a specific inhibitor of cell cycle
progression. In recent years, genetic deletion and altered expression of
p161NK4A gene were frequently showed in many human cancers. So, the
p161NK4A gene is considered as tumor suppressor gene. However, there
has been a few data for the p161NK4A in gastric cancer, colon cancer,
and hematoma. So, we investigated the genetic deletion and altered expression of
p161NK4A in gastric cancer, colon cancer and hepatoma cell lines.
Materials and methods : The homozygous deletion of p161NK4A was
examined by using PCR and the protein expression of p161NK4A by using
Western blotting in cancer cell lines established from Korean patients: stomach cancer,
colon cancer and hepatoma cell lines.
Results : Homozygous deletion of p161NK4A was detected only 1
stomach cancer cell line out of 13 cell lines examined. The p161NK4A was
detected in 3 of 13 cancer cell line. These results showed the low frequency of
p161NK4A homozygous deletion and high frequency of
p161NK4A expression alteration in stomach cancer, colon cancer and
hepatoma cell lines.
Conclusion : In this study, it may be suggested that the altered
p161NK4A expression as well as p161NK4A gene deletion
play important role in oncogenesis. Further studies to determine the mechanism of
p161NK4A gene inactivation are expected.


Cancer cell line; p161NK4A homozygous deletion; p161NK4A expression;

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