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Purpose : In order to avoid functional disability that may be caused by radical
excision or amputation in extremity soft tissue sarcomas, authors employed
limb-conserving surgery together with external radiation therapy plus interstitial
Materials and Methods : From June 1995 to February 1997, 10 extremity soft tissue
sarcoma patients were treated with limb-conserving surgery and external radiation
therapy plus interstitial brachytherapy. In six patients, whose histologic diagnoses were
made at the time of surgery, wide or marginal excision and interstitial brachytherapy
was done 4 weeks before postoperative external radiation therapy. In four patients
whose histologic confirmations were done before definitive treatment, preoperative
external radiation therapy was given 4 weeks before surgery and interstitial
brachytherapy. The types of surgery were wide excision in five patients, and marginal
excision in five patients. Gross or microscopic residual was left at the surgical resection
margins in four patients. The brachytherapy dose ranged from 17.5 Gy to 24 Gy and
external beam radiation did from 40 Gy to 45 Gy.
Results : With the median follow-up duration of 21.5 months(range. 13 to 29 months),
one local recurrence, and three new distant metastases were observed. There were three
patients with wound complications attributable to the current treatment regimen.
Conclusion : Satisfactory local tumor control may be achievable with limb-conserving
surgery and external radiation therapy Plus brachytherapy in Patients with extremity
soft tissue sarcomas, while more caution should be used to avoid wound problems.


Extremity soft tissue sarcoma; Brachytherapy; Limb-conserving surgery;

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