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ductal carcinoma)Àº 48¿¹ Áß 41¿¹(85.4%), ¼ö¾ç¾Ï(medullary carcinoma)Àº 4¿¹ ¸ðµÎ(100%),
È­»ý¾Ï(metaplastic carcinoma) 1¿¹(100%), Á¡¾×¼º ¾Ï(mucinous carcinoma) 2¿¹ Áß 1¿¹
(50%)¿¡¼­ ¾ç¼ºÀ» º¸¿´À¸¸ç ħÀ±¼º ¼Ò¿±¾Ï(invasive lobular carcinoma)Àº 2¿¹ ¸ðµÎ À½¼ºÀÌ
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The extreme ends of human chromosomes are specialized nucleoprotein structures
called telomeres, which are essential for stable chromosome maintenance. Human
telomeric DNA contains tandem tracks of the hexametric repeat TTAGGG, which may
be reiterated up to 15 Kilobases (kb). They distinguish natural ends from break-points
and protect chromosomes from degradation or recombination. Telomere of the lagging
strand in normal somatic cells cannot be fully replicated by the conventional DNA
polymerase complex and the shortening of this tandem repeat in normal cell is
progressively lost as a part of end-replication problem. Such shortening may act as a
mitotic clock regulating the number of divisions a normal cell can undergo and has been
known to be linked to cell senescence and aging.
Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein enzyme first discovered on the basis of its novel
telomere extension activity. The integral RNA template of telomerase contains a short
region complementary to typically 1.5 repeats of the G-rich telomeric DNA and allows
telomerase to add telomeric sequences to the end of newly replicated DNA. Telomere
stabilization through activation of the telomerase is essential for cells to overcome
cellular scenescence, and thus unlimited cell proliferation and malignant progression are
associated with telomerase activity. In support of these hypotheses, telomerase is
activated in most human tumor tissues but not in normal somatic cells, except ovarian
and testicular germ cells, and hematopoietic stem cells, in which telomerase is
expressed. It is probably a critical event responsible for continuous tumor cell growth.
Multiple genetic alterations including oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes that lead
to loss of growth control may contribute to the development of breast cancer and have
a role as a prognostic indicator. Despite notable recent developments, there is no clear
understanding of molecular event in breast cancer. Recently, novel telomerase activation
has been described as a critical event in tumorigenesis and a predictor of breast cancer.
But, it is not clear whether telomerase activation is a common or sequential event with
other genetic alterations during the neoplastic step or not. We have analyzed the
frequency of telomerase activation in breast carcinomas and correlated this data with
clinicopathologic findings and immunohistochemical status of p53, c-erbB-2, cyclin Dl,
estrogen and progesteron receptors, which have been known as a prognostic marker of
breast cancer.


Breast cancer; Telomerase activity; Tumorigenesis;

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