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Purpose: To study the subcellular localization with flow-cytometry and to evaluate
their prognostic values.
Materials and Methods: The breast tissues were obtained from 28 patients with breast
cancer and 6 patients with benign mass. The expression of BRCA1 protein was
analyzed with the flow cytometry(Coulter Epics-XL, Coulter Corps, FL, USA) using the
monoclonal antibody(BRCA1(Ab-1), Calbiochem, MA, USA) before and after nuclear and
cytoplasmic permeabilization in association with DNA ploidy analysis. Several BRCA1
protein indices were derived including 95 percentile channel fluorescence(95% CF) and
mean channel fluorescence(MCF) and percentage of BRCA1 positive cell population
arbitarily defined as those above 0.12 channel fluorescence.
Results: Cytoplasmic 95% CF were higher in breast cancer(n=28, 0.65¡¾0.26) than in
benign mass(n=6, 0.40¡¾0.13, p=0.0211). Cytoplasmic BRCA1 positive cell percentages
were significantly higher in malignant tissues(24.0¡¾10.3) than in benign mass(43.4¡¾15.2,
p=0.0059). Cytoplasmic BRCA1 positive cell percentages were significantly different
according to the stages(stage I vs II, 32.6¡¾9.8 vs 48.3¡¾18.8, p=0.048, stage I vs stage
III, 32.6¡¾9.8 vs 47.0¡¾10.9, p=0.010). The BRCA1 protein indices were not significantly
correlated with histologic grades and DNA indices(aneuploidy, S phase and proliferation
Conclusions: Flowcytometric assay offers an alternative approach to evaluating BRCA1
protein status of breast cancer tissue and detection of cytoplasmic BRCA1 protein by
this method may help to understand the role of BRCA1 in breast cancer cell biology.
The further study on cytoplasmic or nuclear BRCA1 protein in association with clinical
therapeutic response or prognosis seems to be warranted.


BRCA1 protein; Breast cancer; DNA index; Flow cytometry; S-phase fraction;

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