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Purpose: We evaluated the prognostic factors, survivals and patters of failure of the
patients with locally advanced cervical cancer who received radical radiotherapy alone
and induction chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy respectively.
Materials and Methods: Between May 1985 to December 1992, one hundred and sixty
three patients with locally advanced cervical cancer received curative radiotherapy.
Patients were divided into two groups: control group included 69 patients who received
curative radiotherapy and combined group included 94 patients who received induction
chemotherapy followed by curative radiotherapy. The curative radiotherapy consisted of
external pelvic radiotherapy and intracavitary brachytherapy. Induction chemotherapy was
delivered in VBP (vincristine, bleomycin, cisplatin) and FP (5-FU, cisplatin). Follow up
period ranged from 2 months to 99 months with median of 50 months.
Results: The overall response rate was 94.2% in the control group and 89.4% in the
combined group. The response rate by control group was 66.7% for CR (complete
response), 27.5% for PR (partial response), 5.8% for NR (no response). The response
rate by combined group of CR, PR, NR were 64.9%, 24.5%, 10.6%, respectively. There
was no difference in response for control group and combined group (p > 0.05). The
5-year overall survival had no significant difference in between control group and
combined group (54.6% vs. 57.3%). The 5-year disease free survival also had no
significant difference (52.9% vs. 55.0%). In the control group,23 patients (33.3%) had
treatment failure: twelve (17.4%) at a local recurrence, 9 (13.0%) as distant metastasis,
and 2 (2.9%) with both local recurrence and distant metastasis. In the combined group,
thirty patients(31.9%) failed therapy, with local recurrence in 21 patients (22.3%), distant
metastasis in 7 patients (7.5%), and both in 2 patients (2.1%). The difference between
the two groups was not significant in view of patterns of failure. The major toxicities
were nausea/vomiting, leukopenia, anemia, and diarrhea. The prognostic factors affecting
were hemoglobin level, KPS (karnofsky performance status), and treatment response in
both group by multivariate analysis.
Conclusion: This study did not prove the efficacy of induction chemotherapy followed
by radiotherapy in locally advanced cervical cancer.


Locally advanced cervical cancer; Induction chemotherapy; Radiotherapy;

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