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Purpose: Mammalian tumor cells differ in their response to ionizing radiation to a
degree that some patients are readily curable with conventional doses of radiation, while
others are rarely controlled. In experimental systems, it is possible to demonstrate
differences between cell lines both in intrinsic radiosensitivity and in the apparent
capacity to repair damage. Retinoic acid is a substance that has previously been reported
to increase radiosensitivity, but at concentrations likely to have cytostatic effects or
induce cellular differentiation. We chose several head and neck cancer cell lines to
investigate radiation sensitivity and synergism in combination with retinoic acid.
Material and Methods: Seventeen head and neck cancer cell lines (MDA886, P1, P13,
A-431, PCI-50, UMSCC-l0A, UMSCC-l0B, UMSCC-11A, UMSCC-11B, UMSCC-l7A,
UMSCC-l7B, UMSCC-19, UMSCC-22B, UMSCC-30, UMSCC-38, 1YA, 1YB) are
irradiated with variable dose of radiation (1 Gy, 5 Gy, 9 Gy) for determination of
radiosensitivity of each cell lines. The less radiosensitive cell lines are treated with
retinoic acid for evaluation of the effects of retinoic acid on cellular X-ray sensitivity
and recovery from X ray-induced potentially lethal damage.
Results: Lowest growth inhibition rates are seen UMSCC-11A and 1YA cell lines in 1
Gy, so that we treated with retinoic acid such cell lines. We obtained the following
results: 1) two cell lines appear not inhibitory effect on recovery from X-ray induced
potentially lethal damage but growth inhibition synergism when irradiated with retinoic
acid in 1 Gy of radiation dose. 2) two cell lines were little effect on radiosensitivity and
inhibitory effect on recovery from X-ray damage in 0.5 Gy radiation dose.
Conclusion: We found that direct radiosensitizing effects of retinoic acid on 1 Gy of
radiation dose may act synergistically for cell growth inhibition in vitro study(three cell
lines: UMSCC-11A, 1YA, UMSCC-11B). Further in vitro and in vivo experiments are
now necessary to evaluate retinoic acid as radiosensitizer for head and neck cancer
radiation therapy.


Retinoic acid; Radiation; Radiosensitizer; Head and neck cancer;

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