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´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 30±Ç 4È£ p.842 ~ 852
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1970³â´ë ÃÊ cytosine arabinoside(ara-C)¿Í anthracycline°è Ç×»ýÁ¦ÀÎ daunorubicinÀ» ÀÌ
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À¯µµ¿ä¹ýÀ¸·Î ara-CÀÇ Åõ¿©±â°£À» 7ÀÏ¿¡¼­ 10ÀÏ·Î ¿¬ÀåÇϰųª 6-thioguanineÀÇ Ãß°¡À¯¹«¿¡
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ÀÌ¿¡ ÀúÀÚµéÀº 1992³â 4¿ùºÎÅÍ 1997³â 5¿ù±îÁö µ¿¾Æ´ëÇк´¿ø ³»°ú¿¡ ÀÔ¿øÇÏ¿© ±Þ¼º °ñ¼ö
¼º ¹éÇ÷º´À¸·Î Áø´Ü ¹Þ°í Ä¡·á°¡ °¡´ÉÇÏ¿´´ø 37¸í¿¡ ´ëÇÏ¿© AD(7+3)º¹ÇÕÈ­Çпä¹ýÀ¸·Î °üÇØ
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Purpose: Important advances in the treatment of acute myelogenous leukemia have
been made with the introduction of cytosine arabinoside(ara-C) and
anthracycline(daunorubicin) over the past 20 years. Currently, 50 to 85% of patients with
acute myelogenous leukemia achieve complete remission with induction chemotherapy
consisting of ara-C and daunorubicin. About 25% of complete responders will have
extended long-term survival and may be cured. Therefore we treated patients having
acute myelogenous leukemia with AD(7+3) regimen and analyzed factors complete
remission rate, remission duration, and survival duration.
Materials and Methods: Induction therapy; Thirty seven patients with previously
untreated acute myelogenous leukemia treated with AD(7+3) regimen(ara-C, 200
mg/m2/d by continuous infusion for seven days, and daunorubicin, 45
mg/m2/d for 3 days). The second course of therapy was AD(5+2), if the
patients failed to enter remission. Consolidation therapy; three cycles of consolidation
chemotherapy were administrated with at least 4 week interval following remission.
Course 1 ; ara-C at 100 mg/m2 by continuous infusion every 12 hour
for five days, 6-thioguanine at 100 mg/m2/day orally for 5 days. Course 2;
ara-C is same as course 1, vincristine at 1.2 mg/m2(maximum 2 mg) by
bolus injection for 1 day, prednisolone at 40 mg/m2(maximum 60 mg)
orally for 5 days. Course 3; ara-C is same as course 1, daunorubicin at 45
mg/m2 by 1 hour infusion for 2 days.
Result: 62.2 percent of the 37 patients entered complete remission. The remission
duration for all patients in complete remission ranged from 2 months to
63+ months, with the median of 15.1 months. The median duration of
survival in complete responder group was 23.3 months. Among various prognostic
factors, females and groups with normal chromosome and t(8;21) or t(15;17) had
significantly higher complete remission rate than males and groups with other
chromosomal abnormalities, respectively. Factors influencing on survival duration were
female, normal chromosome, t(8;21) or t(15;17), Auer rod-positive, and peripheral blast %
less than 50% at diagonosis. Groups with Auer rod-positive, normal chromosome, and
t(8;21) or t(15;17) also had significantly longer remission duration.
Conclusion: Combination chemotherapy with cytosine arabinoside and daunorubicin is a
effective regimen for acute myelogenous leukemia as much as other regimen for acute
myelogenous leukemia. Further clinical trials for effective treatment regimen are
necessary to increase the complete remissioin rate.


Acute myelogenous leukemia; AD regimen; Prognostic factors;

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