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ÁøÇ༺ À§¾Ï¿¡¼­ Cisplatin, Epirubicin, Leucovorin, 5-Fluorouracil (PELF) º¹ÇÕ È­ÇÐ ¿ä¹ýÀÇ È¿°ú (Áß°£º¸°í) Cisplatin, Epirubicin, Leucovorin and 5-Fluorouracil (PELF) Combination Chemotherapy for Advanced Gastric Cancer: Interim Report

´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 30±Ç 5È£ p.907 ~ 913
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DoxorubicinÀº À§¾Ï¿¡¼­ ´Üµ¶ ¿ä¹ý ½Ã °üÇØÀ²ÀÌ 25%·Î, cisplatin°ú °°ÀÌ Åõ¿©ÇßÀ» °æ¿ì »ó
½Â È¿°ú°¡ ¾Ë·ÁÁ® ÀÖÀ¸¸ç, EpirubicinÀº doxorubicin À¯µµÃ¼·Î ´Üµ¶ ¿ä¹ý ½Ã ¹ÝÀÀ·üÀÌ 36%
·Î doxorubicin°ú È¿°ú°¡ ºñ½ÁÇϳª, doxorubicin¿¡ ºñÇØ ½ÉÀå µ¶¼º°ú ±¸³»¿°ÀÌ ½ÉÇÏÁö ¾Ê´Ù.
5-Fluorouracil(5-FU)Àº À§¾Ï¿¡ À¯È¿ÇÑ ¾àÁ¦·Î ¾Ë·ÁÁ® ÀÖÀ¸³ª ´ÜÀÏ Á¦Á¦·Î½á °üÇØÀ²Àº 20%
³»¿Ü¿¡ ºÒ°úÇÏÁö¸¸, leucovorin°ú º´¿ëÇÒ °æ¿ì 5-FU-mediated thymidylate synthaseÀÇ ¾ïÁ¦
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epirubicin, 5-fluorouracil°ú leucovorin(ÀÌÇÏ PELF·Î ¾àÇÔ) º¹ÇÕ È­ÇÐ ¿ä¹ýÀ» ½ÃÇàÇÏ¿© Àüü
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Purpose : In attempt to provide a feasible chemotherapeutic regimen for advanced
gastric cancer patients, the combination of cisplatin, epirubicin, leucovorin and
fluorouracil (PELF) has been developed.4 trial was performed to confirm the clinical
activity, in terms of response rate and toxicity and duration of survival, of the PELF
combination chemotherapy.
Materials and Methods : From April 1995 to July 1997, patients with measurable
unresectable and/or metastatic gastric cancer received PELF combination chemotherapy.
The regimen consisted of cisplatin 40 mg/m2 ¥³ on days 1 and 5;
epirubicin 30 mg/m2 ¥³ on days 1 and 5; 5-fluorouracil 300
mg/m2and leucovorin 20 mg/m2 IV on days 1 through 4.
The cycle was repeated every 3 weeks.
Result : Among 21 evaluable patients, 1 patient achieved complete response (5.3%) and 8
patients, partial response (42.1%). The median survival of overall patients was 36 weeks,
the median time to progression of 21 evaluable patients was 27 weeks. There was
severe myelosuppression; leucopenia 73.1%, WHO grade 3¡­4 11.5% of cycles.
Non-hematologic toxicities were also severe nausea or vomiting in 100% of patients,
grade 3¡­4 13.0% of patients, alopecia in 91.3% of patients, grade 3 ¡­4 52.2% of
Conclusion : This study showed that the PELF combination is effective in overall
response rates. However, it is not recommended for routine clinical use because of its
toxicities. Further phase 111 study will be warranted.


PELF chemotherapy; Advanced gastric cancer;

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